Gifts & Jewelry

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Shablool silver jewelry design ltd.
Arlozorov 18/8 Ave, Afula 18280
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Shablool silver jewelry design ltd. was founded in 1989 by the twin brothers Hillel & Yohai.

The company's collections present colorful selection of affordable pieces inspired by nature and the fascinating historical legacy of the holy land....Read more

Asyia Design In The Spirit of Kabala
Hapalmach 4 Pardes Chana 37072
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I've been dealing with matter all my life, but inside I knew there is another reality, besides the one we live in. As the years went by I set out to search this hidden reality. When I began, quite a few years ago, to study Kabala, the hidden reality became an existent one....Read more

JOJO Gallery
Ben Yehuda 97, Tel Aviv
company profile

JOJO Gallery is an Art and design company located in Israel, we pride ourselves in offering truly unique and inspired items for homeowners, high-end galleries and corporate clients around the world.
Our collection includes a wide variety of furniture...Read more

Kakadu Art and Design In Wood
company profile

Kakadu Art & Design in Wood is an Israeli company that creates unique \"functional art\" accessories for the home and office. Each Kakadu creation is painted by hand in a distinctive art motif and coated with a protective lacquer.

Kakadu is known world-wide...Read more

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